有一個協會專門收容一些因性取向( 統稱LGBT)而被家人遺棄而無家可歸的年輕人。這些表面看似嬉鬧,決意要捍衞自我權益的誇張行為背後所隱藏的都是一些破碎的生命。這些年輕人都有著強烈的生存意慾,渴望在社會中找到自己的位置。在協會裡,他們要盡快在六個月內找到工作,這期間他們有地方居住,有時間讓他們面對並接受自己的本質。而同時,協會的負責人妮歌和協助她的亞歷士也被迫要面對他們的失敗,並開始質疑自己幫助他人的動機。
2022 劇情簡介:Anamika, whose mother is Indian and father is English, returns to care for her mother who is suffering from dementia. But the mother-daughter relationship is not an easy one. When her mother was younger she was a promising singer, but a series of unexpected situations, including a move to the United Kingdom, an unplanned pregnancy, and raising a daughter alone, have made her em...
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2023 劇情簡介:After the sudden and tragic loss of his wife, Ben (Grant Rosenmeyer) turns to a mysterious self-help book that will train him to learn how to fly. Or at least he hopes, as he turns his life upside down under the advisement of an eccentric spiritual guide (Paul Raci) who may very well be a con artist. Fending off his worried sister and an ambitious detective who is convinced he ...
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